1 Week Internship
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LPO INTERNSHIP: WORK STUDY 1 week session (does not include room and board)
This will be a 1 week intensive that will run for 5 days.
Day 1: Arrival will go over Scent Garden Protocol, Basics, Training, how to do. 2hrs
Day 2: Independence in Succulent Garden with Task List and Follow Up 2 hrs
Day 3: Tincture Making in Barn from Garden together with Libby 2 hrs
Day 4: Harvest in Garden for Flower Bouquets, create bouquets and set up in Display Unit
Day 5: Making A Perfume with Libby
Take Aways: You will have a beautiful bouquet to take home, a 10ml Perfume, a Succulent Garden, and a Solid Garden Protocol for your own garden at home.