This parfum is soft, simple and a deep connection on soul level from our core pearl compass sunshine within to outer connection to our local, regional and world community.
Turkish and Russian Rose Absolute Antique Frankincense Spruce This is beautiful for metta mediitation. I LOVE wearing this now. It warms me and opens my heart with a soft outdoor glow of the Christmas Tree and spirit of yuletide with family and friends. Great anchor for tethering holiday memories for years to come. xo Boronia Soliflore Parfum is a truly earthy scent that is a quiet whisper. Definitely for keen noses, and those that require a soft scent. This is a rare earthy parfum for the special hard to please person on your holiday list.
This is a great New Year's Scent that evokes a spring season to come. The Hope of the New Scent, New Season coming. https://squareup.com/store/lpo-libby-patterson-organics/item/boronia-soliflore-parfum We are experiencing cold, dry and then damp weather here in the central coast area of California. I can only imagine how your world may be in places far flung and with snow piling up, outdoors activities, and indoors warming with fire places and heat. The whole program puts our kidney meridian into a tizzy.
Balancing Skin Care for Winter~ We created Winter Wonderland Skin (Chi Serum) back in 1994 as a support for the kidney meridian to balance and maintain health. In a nut shell what happens when we are jostling back and forth between extreme temperatures is that our regulating systems in the kidney meridian do not have time to catch up and we get cold, catch colds, and flus. These can be fended off by special care to the kidney meridian. Our Winter Wonderland Blend (Chi Serum) was created to support this kidney meridian which regulates the body balances. The main ingredients are juniper berry and ginger with support from rosemary, lavendar, thyme, and sage. Your main application of this organic jojoba oil is on the upper buttocks, down around the rump and around the hips, around the pelvis, and entire torso. I encourage you to also apply it onto your palms, with a light molecularization, and then to all kidney meridian pulse points. I use this oil in the shower at night and morning to the entire body enveloping my skin like a velvet glove to gently support my health. xo I have a couple of acupuncturists that I can recommend this time of the year for this type of a kidney meridian tune up. Caitlin at Flux on the Westside of Santa Cruz and Tracy Richardson who practices in Berkeley, Ca. If you would like to place an order for a Winter Wonderland Body Serum please see our website. http://www.libbypatterson.com. Select CHI SERUM. xo I recommend that you apply this oil before and apres sports, and when you know you will be doing outside/inside jostling throughout your day. That should really help you support that kidney meridian. Remember, prevention is the key, anticipate your health needs ahead of time, not after you get a cold. Be mindful, tune into your body. XO Libby Tune Up To Prepare for Winter Solstice & New Year New You with a SCENT JOURNEY at LPO ~~~~12/8/2016 Good Morning on a Beautifully Rainy Day here up in the Forest & Meadows high above the Ocean along the Big Basin Preserve. It's a good time to book a SCENT JOURNEY for you and a small cadre of family & friends who can come to Davenport, Ca to sit with me and do a meditative scent journey tune up. The frequency of perfume when done organically and wildcrafted from nature's intelligence is quite healing, centering, balancing.
Treat yourself and indulge your senses by booking your SCENT JOURNEY today. There will be 3 minis included in your JOURNEY to take home, continue to meditate with through Winter Solstice time frame. The Three Scents You Will Take HOME: The first will be designed to sweep and wrap up all unfinished business in 2016. Use this to help meditate and focus on your filing, organizing, wrapping up and letting go of things that maybe did not work out as planned, ways to let go of the past. Completion. This scent is a baritone deep essence meant to dig deeply to allow you to mine for that final area inner gold you have to bring forward in 2016. The second will be designed to Honour the Return of the LIGHT. A Soft Sunny Light Filled Heart Opening Parfum that helps to center, balance you for Winter Solstice and Christmas week where sharing heart energy with friends and family is possible. This scent rings clearly like a bell at your core to bring the best of you forward, because you have completed the yearly tasks in phase one. The third parfum is a welcome to the New Year, New You and will set the ground for your new intentions that will be worn from right after Chistmas through the New Year and up into IMBOLC (Feb1/2). The vibration includes that in a crown chakra blend to create a synergistic bond for you in the outer world, at your highest essence, and some chantrelle and porcini essence to connect you to the earth, grounding through all of the mycelium in the world. Both ends of the spectrum and the unity of all the chakras, including heart and throat, core, creative so that you will be working from a beautiful balanced space. Meditate on these essences while clear headed. Become centered by working with Herbal Teas from LPO. There are several that can be successfully employed now. Depending on your likes and tastes. Beauty Tea, Happy Tea, Detox Tea, Brain Tea. XO Thanks, enjoy the quiet solitude of today with the rain. I love this season. It is so nice to visit the SLOWCOAST REGION during the rainy season when there are fewer people and the forests, beaches and meadows are all empty creating the perfect location for setting intention for your new year. Book a MAP SESSION, A SCENT JOURNEY here and experience your own personal joy. Much love, L Yes! Here is a link to the farmer's almanac with the sky report so you can plan your star gazing for the month of December. Especially if we have clear sky weather. :)
http://farmersalmanac.com/astronomy/2016/11/28/astronomy-guide-december-2016/ Some highlights: Looking Up: A Stargazer’s Guide to December 2016by Farmers' Almanac Staff | Monday, November 28th, 2016 | From: Astronomy, Featured There are so many things to see in the sky this the month, including 2 meteor showers, another bright, full Moon, and several celestial pairings! Special this month: Venus mimics a spectacular “Christmas Star” this month. It’s in the southwest sky at dusk and sets about 3½ hours after sunset. All times in Eastern Standard Time, for the Northern Hemisphere: December 2 — Look to the southwest at dusk to see the tiny waxing crescent Moon (only 11% illuminated) pair up with Venus. This pairing should make for some great pictures — share yours with us on our Facebook page! December 4 — Look to the southwest in the evening to see Venus below the waning crescent Moon. Mars also makes an appearance to the left of the Moon. While Venus is 85 times brighter than Mars, both should be easy to spot, well below the Pleiades star cluster. (Mercury will be hugging the horizon 1 hour after sunset and you may catch a glimpse with binoculars, depending on where you live). December 7 – First Quarter Moon, 4:03 a.m. In this phase, the Moon looks like a half-Moon in the sky. One-half of the Moon is illuminated by direct sunlight while the illuminated part is increasing, on its way to full. December 8 – Earliest sunset of 2017 at 40º N. latitude. This comes come some 2 weeks before the winter solstice, not on the solstice as you might think! December 10 – Look to the east in the evening to spot the nearly-full Moon and Aldebaran, the reddish “eye of the Bull” (in Taurus) pair up in the sky. December 11 – 13 – Bundle up for the annual Geminid Meteor Showers! These showers will peak on December 13th. Normally one could expect up to see up to 120 meteors hourly with this display, but the Moon’s brilliant light will likely obliterate all but the very brightest meteors (Wait till next year!). Regardless, they’re considered the best meteor showers of the year and it’s worth taking a look. The radiant — that spot in the sky where the meteors will appear to emanate — lies just below and to the right of the bright star Castor in the constellation Gemini (hence the name, “Geminids”). Best viewing after midnight when the radiant point is high in the sky, until dawn, no matter where you are. You might even see an earthgrazer! (link) December 12 – The nearly-full waxing gibbous Moon is at perigee, its closest point to Earth in its orbit. December 13 – In the early morning hours across the United States (excluding Alaska), as well as southern and eastern sections of Canada during these overnight hours, observers can watch the nearly-full Moon pass in front of the bright star Aldebaran, the bright reddish star that is the eye of Taurus the Bull. This is known as “occultation.” See a map and times of when this event will take place in your city here. December 13 – December’s Full Cold Moon will be astronomically full at 7:06 p.m. In this phase, the visible Moon is fully illuminated by direct sunlight. Though the Moon is only technically in this phase for a few seconds, it is considered “full” for the entire day of the event, and appears full for three days. December 20 – Last quarter Moon, 8:56 p.m. In this phase, the Moon appears as a half Moon in the sky. One-half of the Moon is illuminated by direct sunlight while the illuminated part is decreasing, heading toward the New Moon (invisible) phase. December 21 — The Winter Solstice, 5:44 a.m. The Sun reaches its farthest point south of the celestial equator so it’s the shortest day of the year in terms of sunrise to sunset. The good news is that the days will start getting longer from here! December 20-23 -Nature’s annual holiday light show, the Ursid meteor showers, are at their peak. Visible from the north all night, these meteor showers generally produce anywhere from 5 to 15 meteors per hour at their peak (usually on the first full night of winter, Dec. 22). They are the dusty debris left behind in the orbit of Comet Tuttle. There have been a few occasions when the Ursids have surprised observers with a sudden outburst many times their normal hourly rate (over 100 per hour in 1945), but such cases are very few and far between. December 25 -The tiny waning crescent Moon will be at apogee, its farthest point from Earth in its orbit. Need an easy way to remember? (A)pogee = (A)way. December 26 – Try to spot this winter’s “The Sparkling Star” or “The Scorching One,” known to us as Sirius, in the constellation of Canis Major, the Big Dog. It will be visible this week just after it has risen above the southeast horizon shortly after 7 p.m. At such a low altitude, the thicker layer of air near to the horizon causes its light to scintillate rapidly, so it will seem to flicker with all the colors of the rainbow. December 29 – New Moon at 1:53 a.m. At this stage, the Moon is not illuminated by direct sunlight and is completely invisible to the naked eye. Shorter Daylight Hours Encourages Cozy Nesting Now~
We have less than two weeks before Winter Solstice where we celebrate the return of the light. Daylight now is less than twelve hours ago. Here in California on the Slowcoast we are seeing a sunrise at 7am and sunset at 4:51pm. For me it shortens my day, has me heading home earlier than usual and creating a cozy nest of rejuvenating me time or time to share with close friends and family for special events. I find myself resting more and getting the benefits of the dark evenings, in preparation for what we have here in California soon as our Taoist Spring which will begin in another two months at the beginning of February. (Imbolc). Healthy Habits~ For now, I am eating healthily and getting in a daily walk. My eating features no carbs, no sugar, and good proteins, veggies and fats. I am working with several of the LPO Beauty and Detox Teas now, some of the favorite serums that support moisturizing and mood, and some soft scents that give me a boost emotionally now. Setting Up Scent Altars to Uplift, Set Intention and Help I have scent altars set up at strategic places so that I can be casual about walking by and picking up a few and spritzing or molecularizing in and integrating them into my etheric body, skin and cellular body. In my Purse: I always carry my top 4 or 5 scents for the day. This will include Prana Serum, Anti Stress Serum, Angel Glow Serum, Lemon Verbena Reserve, Taos Heart Opener Parfum, Big Sur Parfum, Dirty Sexy Love Parfum and then some of my Sachets. Next to my front door: Palo Santo 60ml Parfum & Coastal Woods 60ml Parfum. I spray these when I leave in am and when I come home my home smells divine when I open the door. In my Boudoir: Orange Honey Parfum, Her Majesty Parfum & Sweet Dreams Parfum, Lavendar Soliflore Reserve Parfum, Rose Geranium Parfum. I spray my mattress with Orange Honey and Her Majesty in between changing sheets to make the bedroom smell great and to sweeten the bed. Lavendar Reserve also, and it helps to kill mites, and keep bacteria at bay. I have Sweet Dreams for my pillow cases at night so it goes with my DREAM TEA for insomnia, inviting good dreams in and general restfulness. The Rose Geranium I use when I awaken to harmonize my energies with the earth mother vibration. It is round, deep and connected. I like starting my day with a roll on 10 ml bottle on my palms as I lay in bed and meditate for a first few minutes breathing in the scent. Preparing For the Change of SEASONS Now~ There are some changes I anticipate every six weeks as we need 40 days to change habits and anchor in new ideas, patterns. I like to consciously look at my MAP of my astrological chart and then match scents to what will help me to manifest the aspects that are naturally occuring in my chart. I do this for clients, and now in the next few weeks is a great time before the new year and setting intention now is great, so we sail across the 2016/2017 line with everything in place, focused, and relaxed, rejuvenated. The year is divided into 8 seasons. The new season begins on Winter Solstice. The season we are now in is the Samhain One that began at Halloween and All Soul's Day and continues for six weeks through to Winter Solstice. This cycle is about death, planting seeds from the harvest and weeding, letting go, celebrating the abundance that was grown, earned through the year, and then sustaining ourselves as we enter the deep feminine darkness for wisdom gathering before the return of the light. I love using this time for deep retrospective of my year, looking at what worked, what didn't, where there is adjustment to path, direction, and letting go, forgiveness for choices taken or not taken, a celebration of thanks, gratitude for what worked and where I was successful. This is a deep inner journey. I have been working with scents that sweep through like a baritone deep note to wrap up all the elements, so I can honour each part of self, and sing the praises of choices. The scent I like to use for this is Black Gold. It is an aphrodisiac that is quite amazing and was created in a beautiful garden in Pasadena in spring of 2010. The notes are dark, deep and can sweep through and pull all my web of thought together. This is a meditation, that I do before cleaning dna, blood and all time lines, time rounds, and clearing, setting intention on the quantum level before winter solstice. I like to light small tea lights to help catch and burn through the webs while doing this work. For more on how to work in this manner, set up a MAP SESSION APPOINTMENT for a time soon between now and when Winter Solstice begins. Have a lovely day. My morning begins with a walk with Artemis and Jupiter up in the redwoods back in to Big Basin. There is a dampness that broadcasts through the activity of the mycelium now. I use this mycelium to re-broadcast my intentions as all mycelium in the forest is connected. This is working with nature's intelligence in a coning session. Essential Habits for Creating Anew~ Be Grateful Learn to clean your intentions Be Mindful Working with the Organic Wildcrafted Luxe Wild Raw Essences help to anchor into your brain all the new patterns you are thinking, so it is important to make time in your busy days to meditate, clear, open, flush, and clear, then repopulate out all of your ideas. Part of being a success is seeing and feeling the end result you are hoping to achieve as a done deal. Visualizing this is part of your meditation and believing. The scent can help trigger these ideas over and over again so you can stay on target. Enjoy, and please get in touch if you want suggestions on what scents would be best for you with where you are in your own personal MAP JOURNEY. Thanks ~ Hugs and Smiles, Libby Soft and Subtle Holiday Aphrodisiac: Permission Granted~
Mimosa Concrete Blue Lotus Concrete In Organic Perfumer's Alcohol Today I was on a holiday adventure that took me through redwood trees and some forests. Along the roadside the ACACIA trees are all setting up their blooms and spring time is beckoning already here. It reminded me that it's time for a new batch of Permission Granted, to get ready for Winter Solstice Rituals of the return of the L I G H T. We are so lucky here in Central California. Our springtime is already beginning, and the acacia trees are in luscious full bloom sometime in February, but will begin soon. They represent to me the return of the light, which is coming soon at Winter Solstice, on the 20/21 Decembre. I created this Beautiful Soft Whisper of a Parfum in 2010 as a silent and very subtle coax for inner permission to open, experience life and what it has to offer. The Blue Lotus Flower represents a fertile creativity and sexuality. It has a determined yet subtle way of working into your being. It is a good way to give yourself permission to embrace your beauty and to express your inner desires. The Mimosa/Acacia Blossoms are known in Chinese Medicine as "Full Happiness" Flowers. The plant's flowers have been used to treat symptoms associated with palpitations, anxiety, depression, and insomnia. This parfum is barely there, and perfect for those of you who love the nuances of light amulet parfums that do not interfere with your daily routines, and people who you interract with. This is a scent that should be consumed through your palms, molecularized and then annointed thoroughly through your hair, neck, decolletage, and shoulders, under breasts, and behind knees, all pulse points. You can spray a pillow with this invisible aphrodisiac. It is a mood enhancer at the very least. Enjoy. This is in my Winter Solstice to Imbolc Purse, for sure, to be seen, adored and smitten with all of life and the return of the light. As a master perfumer and aromatherapist I create healing blends that work to shift emotional moods. Being highly tuned/intuitive I often just feel what needs to be created. Over the many years since I began tuning things up in my own life and the lives of my friends and family I have gone more and more down the spiritual rabbit hole as far as working in the spiritual side of the emotional body before something becomes physical, to do the healing or re-aligning. I share what has worked for me. If you find it helpful then wonderful. I work with organic, wildcrafted botanicals and keep everything very pure from source.
I work in harmony with the current vibrational feelings indicated by the intuitive & astrological weather, and the mass moods. I have heard doctors say that their patients come in droves having the similar or same issues on any given week. Cough, tummy upset etc. In aromatherapy and quantum energy I also see the same types of things. La Dolce Vita Parfum Jasmine Sambac Butter Absolute This Parfum is very round, warm and helps to keep us hopeful, open, sweet and our hearts full of love, connecting the creative chakra with the heart. I love working with this one for those whose lives need to have a buoy and a sense of beauty, uplifted. Lately I have been in the right place for people who are helping parents transition or as one woman put it: the patriarch of our family. It is an honour to be there when it counts, to lift the spirits for those who are sad, and offer solace when they are going through deep grief. To do that I use a short series of inhalations and on skin cellular inhales, which when molecularized travel instantaneously to all your cells and reset your mood in your brain very quickly helping you to shift dynamic patterns of being and doing. Actions follow to train your brain. ALL is a very invisible pleasant path of bringing the highest vibration to you, for well being. This week many of my Bay Area friends on facebook have been expressing deep grief, trauma about the fire in Oakland. There is an overwhelming outpouring of sadness for the loss of life in the warehouse fire in Oakland. I have seen many people post how close to home this is for each of them, since many have themselves gone to electronic dance parties in warehouses in Oakland. I also spent many years going to *Raves* in San Francisco, Marin and East Bay with my aromatherapy chakra flower waters and love potions, aphrodisiacs, showcasing another way to transform yourself that does not include drugs that can be dangerous and harmful to your body. Today I would like to share some essential oils and a recipe to lift spirits, and to help process PTSD, grief, and deep sadness, anger. I will give a list of essential oils, their usage and the formula that can help to calm, center, bring immediate relief. Essential Oils should be diluted always and never used on the skin directly as they can be dangerous long term for your liver function and health. I do not suggest ingestion either. If you want to ingest herbs, please work with living herbs infused in a hot tea that can cool or in a water that you infuse overnight. This is quite pleasant and has a lasting effect over time. Uplifting Serum Cypress: Processing Grief Clary Sage: Letting Go Hyssop: Forgiveness Rosemary: Clarity, Friendship Geranium: Earth Mother Embrace Rose Bulgarian: Heart Centered Support Frankincense: Connection to Source Grapefruit, Sweet Orange & Bergamot: Uplifting Sense of Joy Myrrh: Deep Sense of Beingness Spruce/Fir: Open Lung which helps process grief You can make a simple Aroma Blend with these essences by blending a few drops of each in a small 5ml bottle of Jojoba Oil to roll onto your palms and smell any time you need it. Moving through the emotions, processing them and not staying static, or stuck is helpful and these essences can help you lift your vibration. Apply roll on to your palms and molecularize into palms with friction (rub palms vigorously together). Rake plams gently across your face, caryotid, through hair, over crown, and around neck, decolletage. Hold palms over face and breathe in, exhale. Meditate on perfect transition in love for all those whose loss of life has occured. Bless. I like to keep my tools simplified so that all the focus is on the neuroscience alchemical quantum aspects of the flowers, resins, barks, roots and leaves. The shamanic essence is from the healing of the plants themselves. We consciously work with these plants in a very holistic way asking humbly for them to work in concert with us to provide needed support in a timely fashion. If you would like to send this La Dolce Vita Parfum or Uplifting Serum to anyone this holiday season, please be in contact or order online. |
Libby Patterson
Master Perfumer, Photographer, Painter, Entrepreneur, Designer Archives
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