![]() Terra Tryptich/Blue Blood Parfum (Venus 5/8 sacred geometry) Fifth Element:::Aphrodite's Nectar Lemon, Cinnamon Leaf, Saffron, Cassia, Ylang, Ylang, Mimosa, Jasmine Sambac, Champaca, Antique Sandalwood, Ambrette Seed, Cumin, Benzoin Resinoid. Fundamentally, Connective Physics confirms mathematically that the universe is connected and that there are no limits. It is from this fifth element position that this spicy aphrodite's nectar celebrates you and your connectivity within your worlds. This parfum was designed as a part of my SHAMAN COLLECTION in 2010 and will relaunch for HOLIDAY 2017. It is a warm aphrodisiac. Here is a bit of the sacred geometry surrounding the parfum, and the dance between the heavenly bodies of earth and venus. This venusian earth dance parfum has an old world feel to it, harkening back to the spice and trade routes in our early modern times, in the east..... it was from these starry night time camel routes, in the deserts, and over the mountainous terrain that the earliest nomad traders, were able to chart their paths, and destinies...using the heavens... do you think that they knew what sacred geometry was being drawn in the big skies above? Read on for more of the dance that this parfum makes for us.... it is the perfect tantalizing and seducing spicy hot yumminess.....please enjoy, and happy reading~xoxo Much Love, Libby Sacred Venus : 'The Synodic Cycle' The ratio of the 'Sacred mean' can also be seen in the rotations of Venus and the Earth around the sun so that for each five years that Earth rotates around the Sun, Venus manages to rotate it eight times). Venus orbits the Sun in 224.701 Earth days ( ~.615 Earth years ), moving slightly faster than Earth. Because of the two different orbital rates of Venus and Earth, Venus must orbit the sun 2.6 times while Earth orbits 1.6 times before the two planets align. This period (583.92 Earth days) is called the Earth-Venus synodic cycle (synod means "place of meeting"). (3) The result of this motion is that Venus 'draws' a pentagon around the sun every eight years. The Earth-Venus CycleA sacred geometric architect works with certain givens of the surroundings, such as the Cardinal Directions and alignment with respect to features of the landscape. Similarly, there are certain repeating phenomena which form the ideal foundations of a sacred calendar. An excellent example is the Venus-Earth-Sun cycle. For a start the length of a Venus year equals, to quite a high degree of accuracy, the Golden Ratio of the Earth year, i.e. the ratio of the difference between the two to the shorter (the Venus orbit), is the same as the ratio of the shorter (Venus) to the longer (the Earth-Sun year). This is a very promising start. The Venus cycle is an ancient pattern in human culture. For example, we know from the Venus Tablet of Ammisaduqa that the cycles of Venus were tracked in the Mesopotamian region in the Bronze Age. We also know from the few surviving texts that Venus was closely tracked by the Maya. The Dreamtime, the accumulation of human impressions of wonder and appreciation, is stronger with an ancient, long cherished temple - a pattern in architectural space - than a younger one, all other things being equal, and the same is logically true of a pattern in calendar space. This Venus cycle taps us into rich ancient fields. Geometry, being absolutely definable to the mind, enhances this transpersonal idea resonance, which is why classical architecture uses it to further magnify these Dreamtime fields. Venus has a cycle in our skies which takes, very elegantly, eight full Sun-Earth years to complete almost to the day, with similar accuracy, thirteen Venus years (orbits of Venus around the Sun). The eight-year period can be shown as an octagon, where each point is the position of Venus in Her solar orbit on the same day on the eight different years (Martineaux, A Little Book of Coincidence), with the alternate years shown here in their square relationship. "Venus has a cycle in our skies which takes, very elegantly, eight full Sun-Earth years to complete" During this time there are exactly 5 Venus synods, that is to say the loops where Venus goes retrograde, appearing to moving backwards, like the backwards step in a Greek circle dance, due to Her movement around the Sun. 5, 8 and 13 are numbers in the golden spiralling series that approximates closer and closer to the Golden Ratio. So the Venus cycle in our skies occurs during an 8-year period in which Venus circles a full 13 times around the Sun. So, here we are again in a 13-based time cycle, in which the same pattern of intersecting circles can be applied as we saw with the period of thirteen days, in other words one where the thirteenth movement creates the first circle from the future, like the egg of the Phoenix. In fact Venus, the Morning Star, was apparently associated in Ancient Egypt with the Phoenix, the Benu bird that lays the primordial egg. The Book of the Dead says "I come forth like the Bennu, the Morning Star" and apparently the planet Venus was called the "star of the ship of the Bennu-Asar". The name benu is thought to come from an Egyptian word meaning to rise and shine, and one of the Benu bird's Egyptian titles was "He who came into being by himself" - just like Circle Thirteen. So each of Venus' thirteen almost-circular orbits of the Sun can be seen as the drawing of one of the circles in the extended Genesis pattern. More information on Sacred Geometry http://www.ancient-wisdom.com/sacredgeometry.htm
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Libby Patterson
Master Perfumer, Photographer, Painter, Entrepreneur, Designer Archives
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